Neck Pain Relief In Roseville, Minnesota
Neck pain is one of the most common reasons people seek treatment from doctors and chiropractic physicians. There are many different ways to categorize neck pain. One of the most common ways is to determine if the neck pain is acute or chronic. Acute neck pain usually begins relatively quickly and resolves within 3 months time. Chronic neck pain would be considered neck pain that has affected the patient for longer than 3 months. Many people experiencing both acute and chronic neck pain are seeking neck pain relief in Roseville, Minnesota.
In this article, we will discuss one of the most common factors that is causing neck pain. Do you use a computer or have a smart phone? Do you text or view facebook from your phone? If so, you are likely looking down at your screen. As we move our head forward the amount of stress applied to the structures of our neck such as our discs and muscles increases. This is not an issue if this happens intermittently, but if it is repeated day after day, over time you will likely experience neck pain.
The stress of this posture on the neck is so great because the head already weighs between 10-14 pounds. For every inch forward you head moves the stress increases. The next time you see someone looking down at their phone take note of where the opening of their ear lies. Is it forward of the shoulder? If so, there is an increased stress being applied to the structures of the neck.
Chiropractic treatment is very effective at improving both acute and chronic neck pain. When the joints in the neck are locked up from forward head posture it causes tight muscles and pain. The adjustments unlock the neck joints resulting in less pain, improved range of motion, and loosened muscles. If you are seeking neck pain relief in Roseville, Minnesota call our office today at 651-779-5998. We specialize in short term care for neck & back pain.
We serve many patients in Roseville, MN, Saint Paul, MN, Shoreview, MN, Arden Hills, MN, and Falcon Heights, MN.