Upper Back Pain Relief – Can Chiropractic Help?

The complaint of upper back pain is one of the most common reasons I see individuals seeking chiropractic care.  There are many different causes of upper back pain:

I would first like to discuss upper back pain being caused by muscle irritation.  Several of the upper back muscles play a key role in shoulder function.  These muscles attach a part of the shoulder called the scapula to the rib cage.  This is why the thoracic spine is a common source of pain along the shoulder blade or between the shoulder blades.  I find this to be a very common presentation at my office.  The upper back muscles can be overworked by repetitive activities, be strained as a result of an auto accident, or other injuries that cause irritation to the muscles.  It is also important to mention that poor posture over a long period of time can cause upper back pain.  I certainly see this in patients with pain between their shoulder blades who spend most of their time sitting and working in front of a computer.

Secondly, I would like to discuss thoracic joint dysfunction and its cause of upper back pain.  There are 2 joints that we need to discuss.  First, the ribs on each side connect with each vertebra.  If the ribs become misaligned this commonly results in upper back symptoms.  Manual therapy such as osteopathic manipulation or chiropractic manipulation is very effective in improving the alignment of the ribs and providing upper back pain relief.

I also find that misalignments of the actual upper thoracic vertebrae is a common cause of upper back pain, pain along one of the shoulder blades, and pain between the shoulder blades.  The misaligned vertebrae cause joint restriction.  These restrictions cause tight muscles and pain.  Again, manual therapy such as chiropractic adjustments and osteopathic adjustments are very effective in providing upper back pain relief.

An important point to also understand about your thoracic spine is that it is built for stability rather than mobility.  This means that disc herniations and arthritis are much less common in the thoracic spine.  In contrast, the lumbar spine is built for mobility rather than stability and we see significantly greater numbers of disc herniations and arthritis in the lumbar spine.

I also find that it is important to evaluate and treat if necessary the lower cervical spine.  If there are misalignments and restrictions in the cervical vertebrae it can refer symptoms into the upper back between the shoulder blades.  In most cases I will treat both the cervical spine and upper thoracic spine.  If you have only been receiving treatment on your upper thoracic spine and still have symptoms, you should also have your cervical spine evaluated and treated if necessary.

I have helped many patients with upper back pain.  My treatment consists of muscle work and adjustments to the thoracic spine and cervical spine.  I have found that the muscle work helps to loosen tight muscles making the adjustments easier and more effective.  I specialize in short-term care for upper back pain.  There are no long-term treatment plans but rather a one visit at a time approach.  Please call my office today if you are experiencing upper back pain.  I help patients in Roseville, MN, Saint Paul, MN, Arden Hills, MN, Shoreview, MN, Falcon Heights, MN, and the Como Area.